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The version field defines the version of the software the bug was found in. [ID: 1154637]
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What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Login gerrit
2. Click on Browse\Repositories on the top. -> Working perfectly. Repos are visible.
3. Click on Repositories on the left. Not found (404) appears.
4. Click on Groups on the left. Not found (404) appears.
5. Click on Plugins on the left. Not found (404) appears.
What is the expected output?
Want to see Repositories, Groups and Plugins content using links on the left.
What do you see instead?
Not found (404)
What is the output of the JS console log (if applicable)?
Is @ :8088/subsite/elements/gr-app.js:1
handlePassThroughRoute @ :8088/subsite/elements/gr-app.js:23966
handleDefaultRoute @ :8088/subsite/elements/gr-app.js:23966
(anonymous) @ :8088/subsite/elements/gr-app.js:23966
(anonymous) @ :8088/subsite/elements/gr-app.js:23966
Promise.then (async)
(anonymous) @ :8088/subsite/elements/gr-app.js:23966
(anonymous) @ :8088/subsite/elements/gr-app.js:23966
r @ :8088/subsite/elements/gr-app.js:23966
(anonymous) @ :8088/subsite/elements/gr-app.js:23966
What is the performance record (see
Please provide any additional information below.
in gerrit.config:
canonicalWebUrl =