Status Update
Comments <> #2
[Empty comment from Monorail migration] <> #3
Edits were made to reflect the following in Monorail: auto-CCs. <> #4
on 11/10/2023: issue 310108269
Please provide as much of the following information as possible (also see
1. URL to plugin repo (If not on gerrit-review, is it OK to move it to
2. URL to the plugin license (must be Apache License Version 2.0):
3. Plugin Scope (describe which functionality the plugin provides and how
it integrates with Gerrit core, does it conflict with any functionality
from Gerrit core or other core plugins?):
4a. Why is this plugin preferred over the other plugins?
Relevance (explain why this plugin is relevant to a majority of the
Gerrit community):
Existing Users (Which parties/organizations/companies already use the
plugin? If known, since when and how many users?):
Code Quality: (Are there any known issues? Does the code
adhere to Gerrit's quality standards? What's the expected maintenance
overhead for the maintainers?):
Scalability/Performance (How well does the plugin functionality scale
for large repos and hosts with many repos? How does it affect latency of
Test Coverage (How good is the test coverage? Which
functionality is not covered by tests? If there are missing tests, is there
documented manual test plan?):
Plugin documentation (provide a link to the plugin documentation and
point out things that are not properly documented):
Ongoing/Planned Work (Are there larger features that are in-progress or
planned? Preferably provide links to issues in Monorail.):
Do the current plugin owners agree to transfer the plugin ownership to
the ESC (of course any contributions from them continue to be welcome)?
(Note to ESC: Keep this issue open for at least 10 calendar days so that
everyone in the community has a chance to raise concerns.)