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In the past, I've used CreateChange on reftable as a test of gerrit speed. It exercises many write paths.
commit d183987b04eb2dae5741b92c9df48493a1ae14c8 (HEAD, refs/bisect/bad)
Merge: 3cf5c82882 7f38d1c685
Author: Marco Miller <>
Date: Thu Sep 3 17:46:24 2020 -0400
Merge branch 'stable-3.1' into stable-3.2
$ go run contrib/benchmark-createchange.go --project testproj -n 100
$ 2020/12/21 18:47:31 min 237.289373ms max 1.473236819s median 288.292568ms avg 313.233871ms
commit 3cf5c82882a3603e5382ca0589a74862f367f7f0 (HEAD, refs/bisect/good-3cf5c82882a3603e5382ca0589a74862f367f7f0)
Author: Nasser Grainawi <>
Date: Wed Sep 2 15:38:46 2020 -0600
Update git submodules
$ go run contrib/benchmark-createchange.go --project testproj -n 100
2020/12/21 18:49:54 min 120.235676ms max 1.248096079s median 157.955979ms avg 177.751623ms
version 2019-10-08: : Starting timer for soy plain [
CONTEXT forced=true TRACE_ID="beforesoy" ]
[2020-12-21T19:54:54.989+01:00] [HTTP POST /a/changes/?trace=beforesoy (admin from] DEBUG : soy plain done (9 ms) [CONTEXT
forced=true TRACE_ID="beforesoy" ]
version 2020-08-24
[2020-12-21T19:51:35.366+01:00] [HTTP POST /a/changes/?trace=soy (admin from] DEBUG : Starting timer for soy plain [CONTEX
T forced=true TRACE_ID="soy" ]
[2020-12-21T19:51:35.398+01:00] [HTTP POST /a/changes/?trace=soy (admin from] DEBUG : soy plain done (31 ms) [CONTEXT forc
ed=true TRACE_ID="soy" ]
this represents a 20ms regression per call. There is both HTML and plain text E-mail, and there is a header, body and footer. Together that's 6x20 = 120ms.
Maybe this latency should get hidden if we do emails async, but apparently, we don't for CreateChange, and regardless, 30ms seems very expensive for filling out a template. Maybe we're not compiling the template?
MailSoySauceProvider creates a SoyFileSet and runs compileTemplates()