Status Update
br...@google.com <br...@google.com> #2
[Empty comment from Monorail migration]
dp...@google.com <dp...@google.com> #3
[Empty comment from Monorail migration]
ek...@google.com <ek...@google.com> #4
Gerrit was using following regexp in gerrit.config:
[commentlink "ph"]
match = "([Bb]ug|[Ii]ssue)\\s*#?(\\d+)"
link =https://bugs.chromium.org/p/gerrit/issues/detail?id=$2
\\s matches \n and \r so \\s* will match a lot of new lines
[ \\t]*\\r\\n?[ \\t]* matches just one new line
[commentlink "ph"]
match = "([Bb]ug|[Ii]ssue)\\s*#?(\\d+)"
link =
\\s matches \n and \r so \\s* will match a lot of new lines
[ \\t]*\\r\\n?[ \\t]* matches just one new line
dp...@google.com <dp...@google.com> #5
[Empty comment from Monorail migration]
br...@google.com <br...@google.com> #6
[Empty comment from Monorail migration]
is...@google.com <is...@google.com> #7
Edits were made to reflect the following in Monorail: auto-CCs.
# Template for reporting issues about the Cleaner Change Log experimenthttps://www.gerritcodereview.com/2020-05-06-change-log-
# see
# Please provide change page links and screenshots!
I'm not sure if this is actually a recent change as a result of the experiment or not, but I feel like the default UI that is displayed for a change has become less useful and more confusing.
For example, inhttps://crrev.com/c/2242233 ...
If I just load the page, I don't see the comment text for comments on specific files and lines, and I don't see the full comment text for others, I only see the first line.
I've attached a screenshot that hopefully conveys what I'm talking about: