Status Update
Comments <> #2
[Empty comment from Monorail migration] <> #3
[Empty comment from Monorail migration] <> #4
Gerrit was using following regexp in gerrit.config:
[commentlink "ph"]
match = "([Bb]ug|[Ii]ssue)\\s*#?(\\d+)"
link =$2
\\s matches \n and \r so \\s* will match a lot of new lines
[ \\t]*\\r\\n?[ \\t]* matches just one new line
[commentlink "ph"]
match = "([Bb]ug|[Ii]ssue)\\s*#?(\\d+)"
link =
\\s matches \n and \r so \\s* will match a lot of new lines
[ \\t]*\\r\\n?[ \\t]* matches just one new line <> #5
[Empty comment from Monorail migration] <> #6
[Empty comment from Monorail migration] <> #7
Edits were made to reflect the following in Monorail: auto-CCs.
Given this commit message:
"bla bla bla issue
1. bla bla
2. blu blu"
Then "issue\n\n1" is linked to issue number 1, which should not be the case. I guess is there is just one line break, then you could make a case for it, but with two line breaks this should be obvious.
An example
A potential workaround would be to use a pattern that requires the issue number to have at least two digits. Not great, but better than the status quo.