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#1This may be fine for a long term user of this Gerrit server. However, a new user would typically
like to first get familiar with the existing projects hosted on this Gerrit server.
For example the user typically wants to find the project he is interested in and then learn about
the project. Learning about the project is usually done by first reading the,
then browsing the repository content to get a feeling about the (quality of the) code.
To do so the user must:
* click Browse > Repositories ...
* must know the repository name
* click on the repository name
* wonder what to do from that general project's page which provides a set of options which, a first time user,
typically cannot edit... and is not interested into it
* come to an idea to click the "branches" link...
* try clicking on the branch name: nothing happens, it is not a link
* figure out he has to click on a link named "(gitiles)" next to the branch he wants to browse (the user wonders
why did someone named that link "gitiles")?
* finally Gitiles repository browser opens.
* However, it is another world, another app. Gerrit menus are gone! The user is in another application.
Finding a project and browsing the repository should be provided by the Gerrit UI
and should be a first class citizen in the Gerrit UI.
As an additional benefit of having a native repository browser, it is then possible to create new change(s)
directly from browsing a repository/file. This is ideal for fixing small issues, like documentation, release notes,
typos, etc...