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The version field defines the version of the software the bug was found in. [ID: 1154637]
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*** Do not submit bugs for chrome/android and issues with your company's
*** Gerrit setup here. Those issues belong in different issue trackers.
Affected Version: tested on 3.1.4
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Create a repository
2. Set Reject implicit merges when changes are pushed for review to "True"
3. Set up repository to have a few commits on master and create another branch, "stable", which is at least 1 commit behind master
4. With master checked out locally, create a new commit
5. Push to gerrit targeting stable: git push origin HEAD:refs/for/stable
6. This, correctly, gets rejected with "! [remote rejected] HEAD -> refs/for/stable (implicit merges detected)"
7. Push to master instead: git push origin HEAD:refs/for/master which succeeds and creates a new change
8. Go to the web ui, find the change and move it to "stable" branch, which is allowed, and results in a change for "stable" which is an implicit merge
What is the expected output?
The move shouldn't be allowed (as is an implicit merge) or it should be only allowed if it is forced to be rebased onto a change/commit that does exist on "stable".
What do you see instead?
The move is completed which results in an implicit merge change with no indication that this could cause any number of commits from master to end up on the "stable" branch when the change is merged.
Please provide any additional information below.